
是对是错, 是黑是白, 是好是坏. 都没有答案, 只有灰色的无奈...

Friday, May 05, 2006

Slices of Sillypore 001 - Riding in the Rain

Well, Sillypore isn't going to be silly without silly acts and people, right?

Now that my phone has a camera, although a pathetic one, but it's good enough for my purpose - capturing silly things and people.

So the first entry to my Slices of Sillypore series - Riding in the Rain.

Riding in the Rain

The ground's wet. The sky's still raining (although the picture didn't show it). At peak hour traffic, she rides a 1-gear 'Flying pigeon' bicycle, steering single-handed, umbrella in the other hand, squeezes between 2 columns of cars and makes a right turn at the traffic junction.

Guts? Or goodu?


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