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Friday, June 03, 2005

Poolside Chill Out

When it comes to celebrating holidays, I think the Americans know best. If you don't already notice, American holidays tends to fall on a specific weekday of the week, rather than a specific date of the calendar. Example, Memorial Day - traditionally observed on the last Monday of May. Labour Day - first Monday in September. Martin Luther King Day - third Monday of January. And finally Thanksgiving Day - fourth Thursday in November and the friday is also a holiday. Need I say more?

Long weekends in the US of A are celebrated in traditional fashion - with a mattress sale! Not kidding, there's always a mattress sale around holidays. But of course, sales are everywhere if you look hard enough.

However, in the sunny state of California, instead of trawling the factory outlets for deals like bazillion others, I decided that an afternoon of grilled cheese burgers by a poolside is a way better idea.

Good friend at HP - Bill, invited me to his beautiful home in El Cajon for a chill out session. We had some good cheese burgers, home-made salsa with chips, tiramisu from Trader Joes and serious fun in his great pool. Ah... such a good life...

look at that pool!

lazing by the pool with cheeseburgers off the grill

home made salsa by bill


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